Wednesday 24 February 2010

More from the Mist and Why?

Since I last wrote, more events have loomed out of the mist - some good, some not so welcome and some of uncertain portent.... fellow travellers have been so supportive and given help at every stage. Thanks again.

An excursion for two nights last week to the local district general hospital helped to settle an unwanted episode of vomiting and tummy upset; a CT scan provided reassuring evidence of little change in the cancer's size and the excursion ended with my coming home with 2 units of donated blood on board, improved ankle swelling, reduced medication and improved colour! It all meant a lot of travelling for the angel and others as well as increased pressure all around - now it is much better being home, with plans for the future in abeyance....

One big uncertainty is whether I am to continue with chemotherapy after the current cycle of treatment planned for the next two weeks..... we await the specialists' advice which will influence plans for the next few weeks in all sorts of ways.

And the days themselves are changing fast - brighter and longer even though they remain disappointingly cold and snowy and the cold gets to one's bones and makes aches and pains worse. Not being at work this year gives me time to notice the inexorable changes of Spring. Snowdrops burst into flower, crocuses into bud, rising larks larks sing louder. The power that drives these different and not always silent events is noiseless itself. We do not hear the "music of the spheres and planets" but we see and feel the results ..... the changing light and warmth drive so much - not least the musings of theists, agnostics and atheists alike.

The silent, predictable orbits of planet round sun, or moon round earth, at great speed over vast distances, produce remarkably beautiful but almost constant annual and monthly change that power our world through its cycles. Silent processes that generate so much energy and beauty are analysed by the physicist or photographer, mathematician or musician, geologist or theologian, artist or meteorologist, historian or me or you from all sorts of different and satisfying perspectives.

"Why and How" have different and valid answers for each.

Can you make time to listen for the music of the spheres and watch for their results?